Preparation & Process of Developing the Georgia State University Strategic Plan 2011-2016/21
A University-Community Endeavor
January 2010.
(1)Appointment of Strategic Planning Committee: Paul Alberto, Regents’ Professor of Special Education and Chair of the Senate Executive Committee; Pamela Barr, Professor, Managerial Sciences; Michelle Brattain, Associate Professor, Associate Chair, Department of History; Allison Calhoun-Brown, Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of Student Retention; Tamer Cavusgil, Callaway Professor and Director of the Center for International Business Education and Research; James Dutton, President, Student Government Association; Michael Eriksen, Professor and Director of the Institute of Public Health; Sandra Garber, College Financial Officer, CHHS; Ralph Gilbert, Professor, Associate Dean, Fine Arts, Director CENCIA; Steve Kaminshine, Professor, Dean College of Law; Jorge Martinez, Regents’ Professor of Economics & Director International Studies Program; P.C. Tai, Regents’ Professor and Chair of the Department of Biology and chair of the Senate Committee on Planning and Development; Edgar Torbert, Assistant to the Provost and Ex Officio member.
(2)Consultations: (a) President Crowe and representatives of faculty, administration and staff at Arizona State University, (b) Former president David Ward and Maury Cotter of the University of Wisconsin, (c) Chester Warzynski hired to chair development of the strategic plan at The Georgia Institute of Technology.
(3)Committee begins weekly meetings which continue through December 2010.
February, 2010.
(1)February 18: President’s Community Meeting: Dr. Becker announces initiation, purpose and scope of the Strategic Planning process.
(2)Three survey questions distributed to entire community: What will a great public university look like and require 5-10 years from now? What are the distinctive strengths of GSU, as a university, that differentiate us and that we should build on in the future? What are the important issues GSU should seek to address as we move to enhance significantly our place in the local, national, and global community?
(3)200 individuals complete expanded SWOT analysis
March and April, 2010.
Nineteen Open Forums hosted to discuss and elaborate upon suggestions from surveys and SWOT with members of the university community.
June and July, 2010.
As goals and initiatives are formulated consultations occur with various groups of community members.
August, September, and October.
Updates and consultations on draft of Plan outline with:
Senate Budget Committee, University Administrative Council, Senate Planning and Development Committee, Senate Research Committee, Fiscal Advisory Committee to the President, Department of Geosciences, Committee of Senate Chairs, University Foundation Board, College Deans, Chairs of the University’s academic departments, Senate Admissions and Standards Committee, Staff Council, Department of Educational Psychology and Special Education, Alumni Association Board, Advisory Board of the Andrew Young School of Public Policy, Regents’ Professors, College of Arts and Sciences Department chairs, faculty of the College of Health and Human Sciences, Department of Early Childhood Education, Student Government Association.
September, 2010.
Campus speakers: Neil Howe and Dr. Gregory Petsko
From September 27 through January 6 seven full drafts of the strategic plan were distributed to the University community.
October, 2010.
(1)Distribution of full draft to all members of the community in advance of three October Forums
(2)Three Open Forums
December, 2010.
Distribution of Draft #6 to senators, deans, chairs of academic departments
January, 2011.
(1)January 18: Draft approved by Planning and Development Committee
(2)January 19: Final draft approved by Senate Executive Committee
(3)January 19: Final draft placed on webpage
(3)January 27: Senate vote on adoption