Key Performance Indicators
We will know we have been successful in implementing the 2011-2016 Strategic Plan by the following indicators:
- The undergraduate 6-year graduation rate will increase from 49.7 percent in FY 2010 to 52 percent in FY 2016 and 60 percent by FY 2021 with no decline in student diversity.
- Georgia State University will achieve significant enhancement to graduate programs as measured by nationally recognized reputational surveys by the end of FY 2016.
- GSU will be recognized as one of the top research universities in the country by the end of FY 2016 as measured by the Top American Research Universities Annual Report (see for details on this report).
- The Council for the Progress of Cities will be established by the end of FY 2013. By the end of FY 2016, the Council will have partners from academics, business and government that are actively engaged in the collaborative activities of the Council. It will also have identified several areas of collaborative research and those areas will have received funding from external sources.
- a) The International Consortium of Universities for the Critical Issues Challenging Cities will be established by the end of FY 2013. By the end of FY 2016, the Consortium will have identified and engaged founding members who support and are actively engaged in the activities of the Consortium. It will also have identified several issues of common importance to metropolitan areas around the world and engaged students, faculty and staff in addressing those issues.b) The number of GSU students who graduate with a significant international experience will have doubled from 573 in AY 2010 to 1146 by the end of FY 2016.