In February 2022, Nancy Kropf was appointed Senior Vice President for Strategic Initiatives to oversee strategic planning. From March through May, Planning, and Development senators led focus group meetings in their units to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that would help guide strategic plan development. Four hundred and forty-four faculty and staff participated in 46 focus groups. SWOT data were analyzed by a research team comprised of Dr. Janice Fournillier and doctoral candidate Shae Earls (COEHD). In addition, 56 external stakeholders participated in summer focus groups to provide their input.
In late spring, the strategic planning committee was established. Provost Nicolle Parsons-Pollard served as Honorary Chair and Drs. Karen Wheel-Carter and Jared Poley were selected as co-chairs such that the Atlanta and Perimeter campuses were represented in committee leadership. Dr. Kristie Seelman was brought on as Project Coordinator. Each dean nominated a faculty and/or staff member to participate and representation was sought from major administrative units. This yielded a committee of eighteen members. Additionally, a student advisory group was organized to provide a forum for student input.
President Blake charged the committee in May 2022. The committee met weekly to consider the research report, meet with campus leaders and experts, and construct a draft plan. Founded upon the Four Pillars articulated by President Blake, a draft plan was presented to university leadership in December.
In January and early February, feedback was solicited more broadly across the university, including university leaders, faculty and staff. Four charettes were held on the Atlanta and Perimeter campuses, and a virtual charette was offered to faculty, staff and students. In the fall and again in the spring, the co-chairs attended meetings of all senate committees to give updates and solicit feedback.
On March 27, the Planning and Development Committee voted to recommend that the strategic plan be approved and adopted at the April 5 meeting of the full university senate.
Associate Provost
for Strategic Initiatives
[email protected]